Reading Nook: Black Butterflies

Reading Nook – Instalment 59

“Black Butterflies” by Priscilla Morris

Reading (listening) period: 4th June 2024 – 14th June 2024

The Heartache of War

This is a masterpiece. Stunning. Symbolic. Poignant. Heartbreaking.

“Black Butterflies” is set during the outbreak of war in Sarajevo, 1992. It follows Zora – an art teacher – and we watch as her world, her reality shifts. The unrest starts slowly and subtly. And life for Zora carries on, with little adjustments here or there.

When her husband and mother leave to visit Zora’s daughter in England, Zora opts to stay in Sarajevo. That decision sends the threads of their lives spiralling apart. As the war escalates, Zora and her husband, Franjo, can not reunite.

This is the most stunning character study: following Zora as her world closes in, as normality deserts her, and she clings to the smallest activities that make her feel like herself.

We watch community bonds tighten as society crumbles. And we see these characters find snippets of joy amongst overwhelming devastation.

This is a work of art. The language is poetic and vivid. And the audiobook narration could not have been more perfect. I think this story will remain with me for a long time. A must read.


Published by Natabella

Partially assembled human and an expert in nothing. Writing is my therapy.

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